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Another Strange Dream

  When reality blends into subconscious:  I had another fickle dream last night. In the dream, I'm sitting at my desk when I hear someone calling "help!" I replied, "I'm coming!" but the voice kept calling. I went to quickly put out my cigarette, but I was using a bowl as an ashtray and it was crammed with lit cherries. I said, "fuck it", shoved the cigarette in, and then darted through a door that lead to a stairwell. My parents were both on an upper landing, just 5 steps up from where I entered. They were a both lying on that landing, as though they had climbed together and fell forward at the same time. My Mom said to help my Dad up. I remember how relieved I was to see them again, to be able to talk to them. And then I awoke. I have no idea what the dream meant. I did want to visit the cemetery on or after Thanksgiving. My parents' vault is tiny, tucked around the corner with all the other poor people. I would need a stepladder to reach the

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