

I wrote "Living Room to be Lived In" in January of this year. Life was incredible! We had conquered a room! More will follow... hire someone to fix the dining room ceiling. Get an electrician fix the bedroom light. Paint all the walls. Install vinyl flooring upstairs. Sand down the kitchen cabinets, paint the trim, fix the broken back door. I don't have much furniture left, but I know exactly where to put it in this house. We need to get a mason to fix the cracks in the brickwork as well as the front steps. And a bump-out so we can have the washer, dryer, toilet, and cheap shower on the main floor...


We have one room done. We have a foyer that looks decent but contains crap that I need to move upstairs. I need to paint our bedroom, so that room is "almost done". We have a landing carpet with piss stains on it, and sloshed scotch on the walls and floor. I have my office, but there's no room for the couch and loveseat and bookcases and desk. J's room looks like shit overflowing with more shit; This is the room large enough to contain all the bookcases, couch, desk etc. I do have stuff in J's room, but it's stuff that belongs in an office or on the mantel.

We have $19k. That's all we have in savings. We had more but it was pissed away by the cash back option after every purchase, ordering stuff online, buying cigarettes, getting nice cuts of beef for our weekend meal, buying stuff in hobby stores (we're both really guilty of the online and hobby store purchases lol).

Now we can't do all the things that should be done, that increase property value, that solve major issues. I just have to accept that. I want to hold some money in reserve, just in case we need it.

There is a perk to this madness. Amazon took notice of me buying cheap stuff in order to clean up the office and house, and they read my reviews for the items. They invited me to be part of the Vine program. I am a Voice. (yessssssss!!!) I get to pick cool stuff, and it's shipped to me, and I write a thoughtful review that helps people wanting to know more about the item. I also upload them to my review blog.