Happy... Easter?


"With a hip and a hop—
Easter bunny, won’t you stop
At my house to hide some yummy little eggs.
Then you'll jump out and run—
Down the street for some fun,
Zippity quick on your fuzzy, furry legs.
To hide treats for the others—
boys and girls—even mothers,
Treats galore packed in baskets and bright bags!"
—Leanne Guenther

It's that Springy time of the year when everyone obsesses over plants from big box stores, rabbits with colorful eggs, and the Resurrection of Christ. 

I missed the latter. I had hoped to attend mass today. Just me, now that Mum's gone.  You know, try to reconnect with the deity that's shat on me since 2012.

"Eh, exactly why are you here?" God rolled His divine eyes.

"I've come to make amends," I furrow my brow at Him. "I've decided to forgive you."

"Forgive me? Why did you walk away in the first place?!"

So much for His omniscience. Heh.

"I played the role of Lucifer in that potent play, " I shrug. "I made some sound arguments, the ones... GAGH!"

God watches as I double over. "Sciatic hell? Is that why you didn't go to Mass today?"

"Yeah." It was an honest answer. "I wanted Mum to last until Easter. I just... it was so sudden... and I tried so hard to go through her things, room by room, and now the upstairs is trashed... I started to paint before she passed so she would come home and see the taupe is gone...'

"You're blaming me for that," His toned turned gentle. "And that's alright."

"It is?

God nodded. "Did you forget about Holy Week, and the Church's celebration of all the events, good and bad?"

I nodded back.

"And do you remember the full story about Jesus in the garden?"

I nodded again.

"Are you attaching memories of past Easter celebrations to this one?"

Good Lord, He was hitting close to home.

God smiled. "Don't try to celebrate the holiday based on people you miss and the traditions you keep. Celebrate it for the Promise instead, and allow your traditions to magnify that Promise."

That makes sense. I doubt God would feel offended if we celebrated on Easter Monday, also.

The reason I didn't attend had nothing to do with celebrations and food and memories. The right sciatic nerve bundle is starting to deteriorate. It's happening faster than the left did. Maybe spurs are growing again?

There's no way to relieve in. And it hurts so fucking bad.

"Heh," said a mocking voice behind me. I turned to find Beelzebub trying (and failing) to obfuscate a metal bat behind him.

And so went our day. We swung by the ER to rid me of pain, but it's packed. It's better to sit where I'm comfortable instead of sitting in a wheelchair. And it's like Jeff said, "It doesn't feel like Easter."