Ah, fond nostalgia. It taints our memories so thoroughly that we, in our old age, shake our fists at young twerps for not understanding our hazy and pickle juice-enhanced yesteryear.
This spoon memory is from 29 or 30 years ago. Your mileage may vary.
Once upon a time, a long time ago, we lived in a leaky dungeon. It was vibrant bliss pockmarked by the occasional WTF moment, like the time Jeff puked behind the couch. Not a little barf, either. Blame the poorly-crafted screwdrivers he and Rebound drank that night. And don't ask me about testicles.
One day, Dino Guy and Horse Fucker, decided to make a D&D role playing group. HF was the dungeon master. I was skeptical of his ability to do anything right. I suspected HF was a narcissist.
Eh, sure, let's do this for laughs.
There we were, on our dungeon floor, character sheets and other stuff in front of us. The mood was perfect. The beer was perfect. We sat in anticipation...
HF started us off alright. Ten minutes in, we arrived at a campground. There we sat, just sitting, as we sat around the fire, which was nice to sit around. Then came The Spoon.
His NPC character sat a little away from the fire. He was holding a spoon. The description of this character and that spoon painfully dragged along. He described the weight, and material it was made from, and jewels encrusted therein until I couldn't take it any longer. I gave him my sternest bug-eyed look and demanded to know if that fucking spoon had anything to do with the actual campaign. It didn't.
Spoons were forever etched in my brain after that, but not in the way HF intended; The Tick comics and the 1994 cartoon series came along. Spoons lent power to a cause. To this day, Jeff and I spout "Spoon!" when the moment calls for it.
I miss those old days. More to the point, I miss having a group of oddballs as friends, especially as I was an oddball, too. It's a shame that Jeff came along so late. He missed all the asinine adventures our old group had, usually unexpected adventures where we dared the laws of physics and thumbed our noses at God.
Jeff and I have shared almost 30 years together. I count myself lucky. I married the best goofball. It's time I start focusing on all the fond memories we crafted. There's a lot of good stuff!
Unless I get too distracted by shiny things and rabbit holes. Much like the Tick, shiny things are my weakness. Did you know the Tick is based on the Blue Beetle. Looks like DC is about to revamp it. I'd read it, especially if it's in graphic novel form.
What were we talking about? Oh! Memories. Time to jump into battle!
Want to know more about The Tick? Visit his wiki: Tick Wiki.
Want to know where my coffee review is? It's in draft mode. It takes a back seat to two Autumn-related articles. All of that takes a further back seat as I work on Christmas in the Woods.