Autumn's Summer, Tasks, Paranoia


More warm Autumn. Mother Nature is giving me extra time to do all the outdoor stuff. And I sit here instead of working.

The delays are a lack of trying. I feel overwhelmed by it. I'm frustrated by my inability to get anything done inside. It transfers over to gardening, meaning bedding down the back yard, having a pro remove weed trees, and getting enough energy to prune the ugly junipers in the front yard. Got to weed those too.

Updated To-Do List

🗹 Bitch about the weather

🗹 Go on social media to bitch about the weather

As before, I feel too drained to focus on most of them. I'm in too much pain to retain anything as well.

Or maybe I'm going senile? Or maybe Hummingbird is right? Maybe my fatigue and the painful thrum near my stomach is a sign that an abdominal aortic aneurysm has formed and/or has gotten larger. So... will I die if I laugh too hard? I mean, that would be hilarious in of itself!

"HA HA HAAAA" boof!

You know how it goes: the more thought you put into a negative possibility, the more you freak out over that possibility, and you continue this cycle until all sensibility has leaked out of your ears. So you present to the emergency room with a splinter i n your finger, and cry like a baby because you're certain - absolutely and unequivocally certain - that the weensy piece of wood will work its way to your heart.

Hummingbird sends plenty of health information my way. She then browbeats me until I agree to get things checked out. (Dr Miracle - September 28!) Most of her stuff arrives via DM.

My morning routine is the standard blah.

I'm downstairs doing my best to give the coffee pot its breakfast while trying the plug the dogs in. No, honestly. I put the damn biscuit in the pot. Got that mess sorted. Trooped upstairs with the Bark Brigade.

At the top of the stairs, thrum thrum thrum. Is it really as Hummingbird says? Abdominal aortic issues?

(Don't you say it - don't you even say it - because I know coffee is bad for the heart at my age, but I flavor my creamer with weak-ass half-decaff shit. And today's coffee was too hot to drink before going upstairs.)

I'm all happy and cozy at my desk. And then...the Hummingbird strikes again!

5 warning signs and symptoms that aortic aneurysm might be suspected include: Chest tenderness or chest pain, dizziness or light-headedness, back pain, coughing up blood (hemoptysis) and loss of consciousness due to the ruptures.

I'm trying to take in my coffee as I skim through her latest info shark attack. I misread the last bit as "Loss of consciousness due to rapture."

The Rapture?  Raptors? You go pretty unconscious when one of them decides to eat you.

Raptor One: Well, this was an easy kill. She's too old and fat to run far!

Raptor Two: She coughed up blood before you took her down! Don't eat that thing, Frank. It's diseased.

Compsognathus Group: EAT EAT EAT!

The compsognathus have never liked Frank. Nobody does. He's like a weird uncle that only visits at Christmas. Very awkward.

Paranoia and tasks now press down on me. I've got to get to Lowes.