Without Otters, The World Would Be On Fire


The more 'otter it is, the more 'otter otters likes it.
-- Brian Jacques


Jeff loves otters. I can't fault him for it. They're adorable. I suppose he likes river otters more; He took care of them at the old Denver aquarium. But Jeff is having a shitty and painful day. Time to spread cheer.

So, without further adieu, here is one of my favorite YouTube content providers, Mamadou Ndiaye, doing what he does best: delivering animal facts in a cheeky format. (He calls it "hood nature".)


I enjoy learning about animals that can "co-sign my obituary" or "evict my soul". That has nothing to do with otters unless you count what they do to sea urchins.

If you want to learn about more besides facts about these live-action plush toys (otters, not urchins) check out his YouTube channel, Casual Geographic

He can also be found on TicToc @ mndiaye_97.

Unsolicited plug for his new book on Amazon: 100 Animals That Can F*cking End You.


PHOTO CREDIT: "A southern sea otter with a purple sea urchin", Morgan Rector, KQED

VIDEO CREDIT: "Without Otters, The World Would Be On Fire", Casual Geographic

ICON CREDIT: "Sea urchin", unknown creator