Offer Made on Glenwood!
I posted WV Home? Wait-and-See Mode yesterday. We viewed the property today.
Our Bronco Sport allows me to connect my phone and pull up driving directions. Just listen to the prompt or follow the map on the dash screen. No problem, right?
This is the road. The house is on the right.
No access from the street. The actual front of the house faces towards this road. The address is listed as this road. But no break in the trees. No steps. No indication that anything is there at all.
You have to round the corner in order to reach the house. The very sharp corner that leads to Custer.
Do you see that red arrow. The house is beyond that bend in the road. I can't fathom why the property faces (and is assigned to) a road it can not access. It would make more sense to slap Custer on the address.
I have to admit I'm glad it isn't Custer. I don't have problems with the Civil War dude. I lived on a Custer Street many moons ago, the landlord was a bastard, and the day after we moved out, we suspect he set the property on fire to scam his insurance company and to get out of any claims on our part regarding injuries. He ended up in jail and we never got our deposit back.
A brief detour for a fun memory or two. My friend and I didn't know anything was wrong with the property when we signed the lease. This was the same house with the rotting floor in the kitchen. We removed all the soft sub-floor because we were tired of falling through it. Dirt underneath. So we stepped over joists and beams, and used an upside down bucket when we needed to cook or use the counter top. Also, the shower stall was peeling away from the wall. If you stepped into it, it would bow in. Couldn't wash while using a hand to keep it from completely buckling. So my brofriend and I showered together. One of us held the walls apart while the other washed. The final straw was the earth-shattering kaboom in the middle of the night... followed by screaming. The chimney crumbled and went straight through the roof and ceiling, landing on said brofriend. I go running into his room to find him clawing out from all the fucking bricks. Punks gotta punk. After they released him from the ER, we grabbed some of those bricks and hurled them through the landlord's own windows. He knew he couldn't call the cops... they would get the city involved and he would be heavily fined for the condition of the rental property.
Alright, back to the current events.
The property backs Custer(d). It's a bit hard to figure out parking, as there are confusing signs about fire lines/no parking shit. We squeezed in as close to the dirt as possible, but not so close that the Bronco would tumble down the embankment.
This is fence at the top of Custer(d )
The stairs are neigh impossible But it's noting the VA couldn't fix due to Jeff's injures.
Looks fine to me. I love landscaping, especially in a rural setting. This house would suit us well!
We put in an offer. Now it's time for the waiting game.
It's now Monday, so this is an update.
The counter-offer came in at 8:20pm today.
Being fair, the owner (who lives next door) invested a lot of time and effort into updating the house. I can appreciate him countering with the full amount or nothing. It makes sense. But it's over our budget when we were about a hundred over our budget. We had to decline and withdraw from the contract process.
Ah well. Am I sad? Yes. Is it world-ending? Nope. The perfect house is out there for us... one without a metric shit-ton of stairs and pathways.