Home? Wait-and-See Mode Activated Deactivated

We had to let go of our top choice for new homes. Sadly for us, there was a major issue with drainage; it would have taken over $10k to address and remedy it. Meanwhile, the basement and foundation have taken a heavy it. This explains all the cracks (and patched cracks) on interior's load-bearing walls.

Home? Wait-and-See Mode Activated is deactivated. I'm crushed. 

I realize that we absolutely made the correct choice not to submit an offer. We also hadn't figured out how to make a yard for the dogs (slope woes) or park a vehicle on a muddy and steep incline (slope woes ii)

Those two things aside, this home had every feature we were looking for. Full downstairs bathroom, living space on main floor, nice kitchen, charm, a comfortable spot to wind down our night upstairs, a place to plant a tree... I could go on for days.

Nothing reminds me of losing our top choice more than being in hell, pain-wise, today. 

I made constant trips up and down the stairs while Jeff was out last night. I was hitting an 8 on the pain wall last night. I sucked down my last Oxy this morning, thanks to hitting a 9. I'm at a 7; mobile but bitter over not being able to remain on the first floor here. It wouldn't even matter if I actually had space downstairs, however - there's no bathroom on the main floor.

Back to house hunting.