Hello weaver!


  A furrow spider (Larinioides cornutus) has taken up residency in the corner of our porch. I love these clever weavers (at a distance) for their large webs. Our prior house had a large deck and I would step outside with a cup of coffee to appreciate the morning dew glistening upon the silk.

Their webs also adorn our truck, which means we occasionally have terrified spider clinging to a thin line as it careens down a highway at 55MPH.

This harbinger of spring is harmless to humans.  She will catch gnats, moths, and other flying beasties drawn to the porch light. One year, on average, is the lifespan for these spiders. She will craft a cocoon, entice a male to visit (he will likely be dinner afterwards), and then die before ever seeing her offspring.

I added her to my iNature observations. Perhaps someone will come along and narrow down her details.