ARG: The Sun Vanished
Creepy things aren't my cup of tea unless done very well. It has nothing to do with imagination and everything to do with logic. Get me to flush logic down the toilet and you'll be able to unsettle me.
The modern era and social media allow for a new form of storytelling. Personally, I'm a fan of The Sun Vanished. (That's the Twitter account, by the way.) It's a deliciously uncomfortable alternate reality game (ARG*). Imagine my pleasant surprise to stumble upon a video made by Mike on his channel, That Chapter.
Annnnd Blogger is being a bastard with embedded video. You know, it sort of defeats the purpose of talking about the damn video and ARG.
That Chapter | Part One: Exploring TheSunVanished | Disturbing Twitter Profile
That Chapter | Part Two: Exploring TheSunVanished Part 2 | More Creepy Tweets
"The Sun Vanished" tapers off with a post 30 April 2020 marking the two-year anniversary of "their" arrival.
I highly recommend that you check it out on Twitter. For an in-depth review, visit Sam Martin's formal analysis of it on Medium.
If you want to catch up to 30 September, 2019:
Juan Sulk: The Sun Vanished - Full StoryYou can also check out The Sun Still Vanished for more fun.
*An ARG is "an interactive networked narrative that uses the real world as a platform and employs transmedia storytelling to deliver a story that may be altered by readers'/players' ideas or actions." - Wikipedia